


Team Members Helped

At the Popeyes Foundation, we are devoted to our Team Members.
Since 2018, we have been serving our Team Members with love as they experience challenging times.


Since 2018, the Popeyes Foundation has granted $550,000+ to 520+ Popeyes® Team Members who have experienced short-term, catastrophic hardships related to emergencies or natural disasters. The Team Member Love (TML) Program, originally called the Family Fund, continues to provide eligible Team Members financial support when they experience natural disasters or other emergencies, including floods, fires, hurricanes, tornadoes, earthquakes, cyclones, illness, death, accident, or other types of personal injury. Grants from the Team Member Love program are not intended to replace personal income, home, auto or medical insurance, federal disaster relief or other types of aid. Instead, Team Member Love grants are to assist in an immediate and short-term basis when other sources of assistance are not available. The Team Member Love Program is made possible by generous donations from Popeyes Franchisees, Suppliers, and employees.


Employees seeking financial support must meet the following pre-requisites. Please review and ensure compliant prior to applying for a TML Grant.

• Must be an employee of Popeyes or Popeyes Franchisee in the U.S., excluding the officer and director level, and been a Popeyes employee for at least 90 days from the date of submitting a TML support request.

• Hardship, crisis, or catastrophic incidents outside the Employee’s control must have occurred within 90 days from date of application submission date.

• Financial support request must be directly related to Employee or their Immediate Family Member (i.e., his or her direct dependent, spouse, domestic partner, and/or parent).

• Unless employee is deceased, Employee can submit application, including appropriate documentation to prove hardship situation as well as provide a Sponsor for the employee’s TML request. *

*The Sponsor will not have visibility to Employee’s confidential information, but rather 1) verify hire date, 2) Employee is in good standing, 3) average monthly hours worked, and 4) Employee benefits.


  • Home or automobile damage due to natural disaster**
  • Short-term living support due to are placement caused from a natural disaster.
  • Basic funeral expenses, i.e., service fee, burial service, cremation,casket, for an Immediate Family Member due to a life event or natural disaster
  • Home-related emergencies like a broken pipe or furnace*
  • House fire**
  • Dental, medical, or mental health emergencies**
  • Short-term housing support due to domestic violence incident
  • Car damage due to accident (not at fault) and impairs ability to get to work**
  • Help with securing housing if currently homeless or evicted.  
*The Committee has the discretion to declined request within the rightful, situational discretion even if the situation is listed above.    

**Potential support is provided upon Committee approval and outside of existing home, auto or medical insurance and/or federal support. This is some text inside of a div block.


  • Lost wages due to missed time from work, regardless of hardship situation.
  • Items covered by insurance or governmental assistance.
  • In the event of a death, expenses outside of burial services, cremation, casket costs.
  • Funeral expenses for those are not Immediate Family Members, i.e., aunt, uncle, cousin, niece, nephew.
  • Elective, routine, or ongoing medical bills
  • Bad debt / overdue bills from reoccurring (i.e., 3+ months) financial problems, including utilities and rent, including payments to collections agencies.
  • Legal fees and expenses associated with divorce or child custody issues.
  • Personal bankruptcy
  • Circumstances within the Employee’s control (i.e., maternity expenses, traffic violations, car payments)
*The Committee has the discretion to approve a request within the rightful, situational discretion even if the situation is not listed in the above funding guidelines.


FOR Employees whose eligibility and situation fit the above criteria: APPLY HERE.



Our Mission

Strengthening communities with food and support during times of need.

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Our approach

At our Foundation, we’re delivering love to our people and our communities. A love that stretches beyond our Cajun favorites.

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our journey

Our 501(c)3 was established in 2018. Check out our efforts since then.

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